Online Courses for York University

York University is one of the top universities in the world that has succumbed to the call for a more convenient and accessible education. It has developed its specialized online program, available to anyone and everyone who may want to take part of the quality education that the academic institution is known for.

York University
York University (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

York U’s Mission

York University understands the need of the modern day for accessible, convenient, and flexible education. That’s why it offers a virtual classroom experience that is much like what is offered in a traditional classroom. The difference is that, students are no longer required to travel to and from the campus. They receive lessons and lectures through the online communication tools and channels. Everything that you normally do in class would be coursed through chat rooms, discussion boards, instant messengers, and emails. You will go about the usual work of working on projects, taking examinations, discussing topics, and getting assignments but not without the need to go anywhere far from your comfort zone.

You can study anytime, anywhere. All you need is a computer connected to the Internet plus the determination and willingness to learn. Since you are on your own here and you have got no teacher breathing down your neck, you will need a pound of self-motivation to move on and complete all the requirements of the course program you enlisted yourself into.

How to Apply?

You may ask fro an advice through York University’s website regarding the courses that you must apply for.

Students run online to learn for various reasons. Some seek to earn credits; others enroll to earn a degree or diploma in order to get qualifications for a job or even a promotion; there are also those who sign in just to improve a skill or update their knowledge.

You must be well-guided regarding the courses that you must enroll in to ensure that your time and money spent will not be wasted. Look at courses that you are either required in your curriculum or you just find interesting.

After determining the course, it is time to start the registration process. There are documents that will be asked of you to enroll, depending on the type of courses you might be looking at. You have to complete those documents in order to comply with the registration process.

Once you are successfully enrolled in the course, you will receive the full package. You will also be given direct access to get in touch with your instructor. You will also have an access to the discussion forums where you may interact with your fellow students.


