Online courses for XML teach you how to use this file format. This is often utilized in Microsoft Internet Explorer. After completing this course, you will learn how to use this in file component formatting and other programs.
Coursework Overview
Subjects taught in colleges with XML courses are divided into several categories. Topics include XML syntax and semantics, XML applications companion standards and software. There are also subjects concerning standards and current issues, business modeling, UML basics and XML schemas from various models.
Students also learn about XML in a distributed enterprise system.
Aside from teaching you hoe you to use XML in programs, these courses cover a variety of other subjects. You will study various applications including B2B e-business, e-commerce and publishing. Processes such as writing business model in UML are also covered.
Additional Details
Students will also learn about processing instructions, general/parameters, internal/external, parsed/unparsed and object trees and data serialization. There are also subjects that you have to study such as declarations, names vs. attributes and channels. Other topics covered in these courses are about fixed values, application access to document structure, XML processors enforcing structure and benefits of the language.
Students will also learn about XML and relational databases, replacement for EDI, e-business system involved delivery, sales and B2B scenarios. These courses also cover XLink and XPointer, forms and editors.
These universities with XML courses have the same goal. They will teach you various technical aspects of XML. Graduates also learn how to utilize UML business modeling for XML schema. These courses also explain how to discover XML limitations and learn about updated information on the latest technology used.
Other Information
Participants in these courses also discover facts about application-to-application exchanges, XML APIs: DOM and SAX. After going through the advanced courses, students get training on converting between models, XML to HTML, XSLT (XSL Transformation), translations and filters. These programs also explain CSS, namespace and databases. Participants in these study programs explore other topics such as XSL processors (LotusXSL), parsers and editors.
Many of these classes explain how to use XML editors like Microsoft XML Notepad, XMetal and Adobe Framemaker. There are also subjects centering on browsers that support the language. You will also discover facts about commercial XML, Apache Cocoon, optimization and object model mapping.
By the time you complete one of these online courses for XML, you will understand how it communicates with various components. You will also learn how these can be edited correctly.
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