They say that you’re never really a writer until you’ve published a book. Sure, you write for a living but this doesn’t even come close to fulfilling your dream of becoming a published book author.
You’ve got all these brilliant ideas for a book but you don’t know how to put them together to create a concrete, unshakeable plot. And what about those characters? For the life of you, you don’t know how to bring your characters to life!
Do not lose heart. Help is available and you can find this on the internet.
Online Courses for Writing Books: Getting Started

You want to write a book but you don’t know where to start. Thankfully, there are online courses that can help you start on your creative writing career.
From these courses, you can learn all about the basics of creative writing as well as techniques on how to get your creative juices flowing.
You will also be able to determine the type of writing that you are most comfortable with: fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi and such.
Once you have determined the area of specialization you want to master, you can now start building your own library of books and other written materials that can serve as your references and guides.
Moreover, the courses can help you expand your ideas and get you started on your first paragraph and develop this into the first chapter of your book.
From structuring your sentences to create a cohesive paragraph that blends into one well-written book; to different points of views and how to use them effectively; to developing your characters – all of these are extensively discussed in writing courses.
Online Courses for Writing Books: Getting Published
Once you have your manuscript ready, the challenge now is finding an editor and publisher who are willing to take on a newbie and give you the opportunity of a lifetime. There are sites on the internet that can walk you through the whole process of finding an editor and getting published.
You can learn all about how to write an effective query letter so you can locate a publisher that is willing to read your manuscript. The right query letter can also help you find a publisher that specialize in the kind of book that you’ve just written; thereby increasing your chances of being published.
Lastly, you also get to know more about how agents work, how to find one and how to work with one in a way that will not only get you published but will also help you get an audience for your book.