In order for a professional educator to be allowed to continue teaching, a license renewal or recertification is generally required. In the United States, requirements for teacher recertification are usually determined by the state.
In some states, license renewal or recertification is usually required every five years while in other states teacher recertification is generally required every three years.
However, as these requirements are subject to change without prior notice, it is advised that you check with your state regarding recertification requirements from time to time.
A basic requirement for teacher recertification is fulfilling a number of credit points. In Virginia, 180 credit points should be completed in order to be allowed to renew the teaching license.
College Courses for 180-Point Credit Requirement

There are various ways to get the needed 180 credit points for teacher recertification in the state of Virginia and one of these is to take credit courses.
If you would much rather take your courses from home, there are online courses for teacher recertification in Virginia that you can look up on the internet.
It is important that you take your credit courses from an online school that is accredited with your state board so your course credits will not go to waste.
Virginia Highlands Community College
Virginia Highlands Community College offers online courses for teacher recertification, available at different times of the year.
What this means is that there is a fixed schedule for each of their courses so you’d best check out the ones that you want to enroll in plus their respective schedules as these are not available throughout the year.
College subjects covered include Accounting, Business Statistics, Communication, Mathematics, Philosophy and Psychology. Sign Language, Principals of Supervision, and Life Span Human Development are likewise offered.
Before you enroll in any of VHCC’s online courses, check if you will be required to attend a class meeting before you can actually begin your online courses as some of their courses on the internet have this requirement.
Application Forms for admission are all available on their website. Prior to filling-out your form however, you should look at the Enrollment Checklist that they have prepared – also available on their site – so you’ll have everything in order for your enrollment.
This will expedite processing of your application and will help you get the course that you want. If you need further assistance, you may use the Contact Us link and post your questions or comments via the online form.