Online Courses for Social Worker

Online courses for social worker give nontraditional students and professionals more flexibility compared with the usual campus based programs. A lot of these online schools have complete components so they are now accredited by the CSWE (Council on Social Work Education).

Features of Online Programs

Internet programs have different set ups. Some are for those who are looking to earn a degree, while others are for continuing education. These programs have different components. The majority of these sites present asynchronous online studies. These are made up of different lessons and lectures. Students will have to complete assignments.

Many courses offer live instruction. A lot of the lessons focus on dealing with real-life situations and problems. There are also a lot of archived lessons and exercises for students. There are also plenty of online schools that offer live video streaming as well.

Offline Work

A lot of the lessons can be completed online. But some of these classes require the students to take part in clinical practicum. The location will be decided by the online site. If the student puts in the hours, the course can be completed in two years. Some courses will take four years though.

Once you graduate, different jobs will be available including that of a psychotherapist and mental health worker.

Scope of Internet Courses

Web courses also instruct students about the settings they can work in. Their potential roles in schools, health agencies, hospitals and advocacy organizations are also explained. Web courses also explain how they coordinate with psychologists and psychiatrists.

There are also websites that specialize in the academic research and social policy sides. A lot of them offer internship so their studies are more thorough.


The tuition fees differ per online school. Those that require a combination of online and campus activities are usually more expensive. Some of these Internet courses are targeted towards people living in the same state. For instance, Tennessee University has programs that are most suitable for people living near the place.

Job Prospects

Once you graduate from the course, you can work in case management, human services management and advocacy teaching. Other roles they perform are community organizing, social welfare policy analysis, marriage counseling and human services management. You can also work for different organizations, public social service agencies and many others.

Although many online courses for social worker have accreditation, some are not. You should investigate the background of the online school.


