Psychology in a nutshell is the study of a person’s mental state and health in conjunction with the person’s behavior.
Clinical Psychologists work with patients to assess, address and ultimately improve a person’s mental health and overall quality of life. Psychological assessment and psychotherapy are part of a Clinical Psychologists job description.
Doctors of Clinical Psychology would often go on to take graduate studies to further help them in their profession particularly in gaining more knowledge about approaches to this branch of medicine.
Online Courses for Psychology-Palo Alto University
In the United States, there are a couple of universities known for their Psychology degrees. Others were specifically established to concentrate on the study of Psychology.
Palo Alto University is a university in California that specializes in the research and study of Psychology.
First established as the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology back in the year 1975, PAU is foremost in providing quality higher education for professionals who are already practicing in the field of Psychology.
Students are provided with proper training and courses that will better prepare them in the clinical practice of Psychology.
Today, the university is among the highest-ranking online schools for a degree in Master of Science in Psychology.
All required online courses for Psychology through the university can be completed within one to two years, either as a part-time or full-time student to earn your M.S. in Psychology degree.
What Do the Courses Cover?
Online courses for Psychology offered by Palo Alto University cover neuropsychology, ethics, various bases of behavior, aging and research methods.
There are courses that require lab work which you can do at home through the guidance of your instructor.
Specific course titles are as follow: Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy I, History and Systems, Child and Adolescent Development, Adult Development and Aging, Cognitive Bases of Behavior, Affective Bases of Behavior and Neuropsychology.
Additional courses include: Ethics in Clinical Psychology, Psychopharmacology, Social and Personality Bases of Behavior, Psychopathology I, Research Methods Lecture and Research Methods Lab.
Courses units range from 1.5 to 3 units per course.
The courses are offered during specific times of the year and you will actually be given a schedule of courses that you should take per quarter.
Sometimes, you will be given just two courses to work on for a quarter and at other times; you will be given four courses per quarter.
This actually helps you complete your courses on time without being too harassed because you’re pressed for time. This is ideal for working professionals who are studying at the same time.
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