Online Courses for Javascript

Online courses for JavaScript are available in different variants. Some of them are designed for beginners, but others are for advanced users. But there are also Internet courses aimed for both types of users.

Course Overview

These programs are usually arranged so you start with the basic features before moving to the advanced concepts. Courses typically begin by explaining simple concepts of this programming language. Fundamental concepts needed to write in the program are also covered.

The intention of these courses is to foster interactivity with graphics and text. This is necessary for students to study at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Course Features

High quality courses have up to date features and web-standards compliant techniques. Most of these sites will have a basic and advanced assignment offering. This is necessary because people have different skill levels. Students are who are new to programming should start with the basic lessons. Those with experience in programming or JavaScript itself can start with advanced assignments.

People that use pre-written scripts can also use these Internet courses to increase their understanding of JavaScript.
JavaScript websites vary in content and style. But all of them will have lessons about JavaScript objects, creating variables and script debugging.

Other elements like strings, numbers, switch and making for and while loops are explained. JavaScript also features conditional statements like if, else if, and else, arrays and single dimensional arrays.

Advanced Topics

This will include progressive enhancement, basic DOM objects, methods and properties. Advanced students will also learn about HTML documents as family trees and nodes.

Other Information

These websites also cover JavaScript topics like manipulating windows, doing complex rollovers and various browser detection methods. Event capturing and bubbling are also explained. By studying these courses you will learn how to make a timer, understand the Date object and utilize international time.


These courses are usually tuition based. The costs will be around $100 and up. Some of these courses may also recommend specific web browsers. This doesn’t mean the site won’t load if you use another browser. But some features may not function properly.
Note: because these sites are online, you can study the course anytime. These classes also allow you to discuss the topic with fellow students.

Online courses for JavaScript are suitable for those who have some knowledge of HTML. You don’t need advanced knowledge of HTML or web design, but basic knowledge is needed to apply JavaScript function.


