Online courses for free math provide adults and students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the subject. Unlike in a real university, you don’t have to spend a cent improving your knowledge about math.
These Internet courses offer various math lessons at no cost. Some are designed for grade school, high school, college or adults. Some are general math sites; they have links and resources for different math subjects.
Others tend to be more specific. They focus on subjects like basic algebra, math for business or calculus. The interface and configuration of these websites vary as well.
How Free Web Math Classes Work
A lot of these sites do not have teachers or instructors. Once you get to the site, you just click on the links and the lessons will be displayed. They usually consist of text with illustrations and equations. In other words there are mostly self study courses.
These sites also have links to other resources on the Internet. The interface varies. Unless the lessons are for advanced students, the course will begin with the basic concepts about the topic.
The content varies greatly of course. Some consist of just text and links. You can access the lessons any way you like. Others are more structured. The lessons have to be studied in a specific order.
Some websites now use video and audio. These are useful when studying subjects like trigonometry, number theory, algebraic geometry and harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces.
These videos will go a long way towards making the subjects easier to comprehend. Some of these websites have links to forums where you can get insights from other students and experts in the field.
Many of these Internet courses are connected to universities and colleges. But this is not always the case. Some are pure standalone. Also note that some of these sites are only partly free.
Tips and Other Information

If you just want a sort of refresher course or go back to the basics, start with the simple ones. There are websites that center on basic geometry, general mathematics and such. But there are also sites that ready you to go beyond the fundamentals. Some websites are designed for college students and beyond.
These online courses for free math usually do not have credit. There may be a few free sites with credit, but they are the exception to the rule.