Whether you’re still in the planning stages regarding pursuing your studies abroad or you are already in the country where you will be enrolled as an international student; it might be a good idea to check out some online courses that you can take prior to actually going to your on-campus classes.
Now, what free online courses for international students can you take? There are a lot actually. As a matter of fact, you may just find yourself taking quite a few of these free online courses so much so that you will probably be kept busy until you have to start school.

Free Online Courses for International Students
So your question is, what free online courses can you take? Well for starters, since you will be an international; i.e. foreign, student you should consider learning the native language of the country where you will be spending the next four years or so to finish your course.
Language Courses
There are plenty of free language courses or tutorials online. Whether you want to learn how to speak, read and write in Spanish, English, in the native tongue of India, German, French, Italian and many other foreign languages; you can find free courses for any of these languages right on the internet.
Learning About Countries
You may also want to check out free online courses that discuss a brief historical background of the country where you will be studying as a foreign student.
You should include crash courses on the people, culture, lifestyle, laws and regulations so you can adjust more easily once you are in the country.
College Courses
If you already know the courses that are required for your field of study, you can also check out free online versions for some of these so you can have an idea of how the courses are outlined and discussed; again, specific to the country where you will be studying.
For instance, if Economics is listed in your course requirements; you can check out free Economics courses on the internet that are offered by your host country’s online schools.
This way, you will know how the courses are designed and how they differ from those that are offered in your own country.
By seeing the differences in the courses, you can better prepare yourself for your college courses so you won’t find yourself groping in the dark once classes start.
There are plenty of other courses that are offered for free right online.
From learning how to use computer applications to tutorials on web applications, to cooking various dishes that are specialties of different countries plus courses first-aid procedures; you will definitely benefit from these as you start on your path as an international student.