Online Continuing Education Courses for Dental Hygienists

Online continuing education courses for dental hygienists are necessary in most states. By taking up one of these courses, professionals will be able to maintain their license.


Every state requires professionals to take specific courses and exams. These are taken every couple of years. Accredited sites provide the necessary CE courses needed by professional hygienists in the US. Accredited institutions are authorized by the American Dental Hygienists Association.


Almost all the states require professional dental hygienists to undertake CPR classes. CPR classes have to be taken every year or three years. There are variations; Michigan, Massachusetts and DC have their own CPR classes for nitrous oxide administration and local anesthetics.

The following states require two to four hours of training on disease control. These states are Wisconsin, New York, New Mexico, North Dakota, Minnesota, Maryland, California, Arizona, Arkansas and Alabama.

Courses Required by States

In the US, hygienists are usually allowed self study from four to twelve hours. These courses will earn credits necessary for license renewal. Aside from online studies, credits can be earned in different ways. Other methods include dental hygiene teaching, reading professional publications and volunteer work. In some states, dental hygienists let you select from specific courses.

In Arizona, these courses include jurisprudence, ethics, risk management, tobacco cessation and chemical dependency. In California, the requirement is dental law study of at least two hours. In Florida, CE courses include medical error prevention and studies about domestic violence. Both of these have to be at least two hours. In Iowa, CE courses must include dependent abuse. CE course on HIV education is needed in Kentucky.

Other Information

The number of hours needed for CE is subject to change. That is why it is important you check the regulations. States use different means for calculating CE course requirements. Continuing education courses are available in many classes. But Internet courses are more convenient. They are accessible anywhere as long as there is Internet access.

The cost of these courses varies. Some are only $5, while others cost more. Online CE courses may be downloaded. Most of these courses can be studied entirely online. But others require attending classes live. These programs require some traveling, so check the location of these live classes.

Online continuing education courses for dental hygienists provide several topics for professionals. Not only do these courses help in maintaining license, but these keep hygienists updated on the latest medical techniques.


