Online Courses for General Education

Online courses for general education are very common now. These programs are available for those who want to train for a new career. These are also open for educators who want to teach a new course in school.

Coursework Overview

There are hundreds of courses available. Each course has several topics. These are classified into various subjects such as legal studies, science, special education, music, art, teacher resources and writing. There are also subjects on psychology, English and math. Among the subjects that can be studied are basic grammar, vocabulary enhancements and English composition.

Emotional and behavioral disorders, economics and early childhood development are also on the web. General education subjects now include cosmology, computer basics 101, and child psychology and business math. There are also subjects on geometry, physics, chemistry, biology, algebra and many others.

Other Subjects

General subjects also include business management, business ethics and behavior management. Students may also go for basic math, astronomy, attention deficit disorders (ADD and ADHD) and autism. Medical courses that fall under general education are usually just overviews.

You need to enroll in a real medical course for more in-depth studies. Those who want to study history may do so. There are also subjects on astronomy, ancient civilizations, the American Revolutionary War, US history, world history and the American Civil War. You don’t have to take up all of these subjects. You can pick and choose the topic.

Continuing Education

Continuing education is for professionals. That is what most of these sites are for. If you are an educator, these programs can help you. Some of these sites earn credit. They can be used for maintaining a license. Before enrolling in these classes, check the site policies. Some of them will require registration.


Online courses are created by professional teachers. This ensures that they provide the expertise needed by students and teachers. These programs are self paced. You can take these studies anytime. There are several features included. Forum discussions live chat, email, automatic assignment forms and tests are also provided. Numerous study tools are online.

There are also videos and audio files on these sites. Instant messaging programs are also included, making them more accessible and comprehensible. Free courses do not have instructors, but others do. This is especially true for pay sites.

Online courses for general education are ideal for people who want to advance their career. These are also available for those who just want to learn something new.


